Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Its market time again

I am sitting here emailing farmers markets trying to branch out a little. I always run in to markets not wanting more then one soaper. I am a different kind of soaper though. Kinda crazy since they have more then one farm carrying the same veggies. I should be making some soaps but I am kinda tired from babysitting Dakota yesterday plus I went to gym today. I still need to make my Mojito soap, Passion flower and my mens line. Plus I need to do my essential oil body oils. Maybe I need coffee.
I am also making a Vegan peach pie right now. It smells so juicy in here. Other then that nothing else going on.

1 comment:

  1. Have you checked with the Farmers' Market in Middletown? They don't have a soaper. (They had a guest soaper last week when I didn't go, but no regular one.) It's a small market, though--not sure if they have space for more vendors or not...
